Donut Eating Contest
Presented by

You say doughnuts. We say donuts. However you say it, we all love to scarff them down and the Seattle Donut Fest’s, Doughnut Eating Contest is where we all can agree to have a feast.
Contest Rules:
- Two contestants per entry (team eating contest)
- Donuts must be fed simultaneously to each other from a pole and string using no hands.
- When each contestant finishes their donut, they must replenish their own donut on the same partners string being fed to them.
- If a donut falls to the floor, and is not consumed, it doesn’t count as eaten. Contestants may, however, pick that piece off the floor with their hands to eat it to get credit for the consupmtion of that donut.
- Contestants may not deliberately make a donut fall to the ground to eat it
- Both partners must finish their own donut on their own. Total donuts consumed shall be counted together as a team
- The team with the most eaten will win in 3 minutes. If theres a tie, there will be a blind folded tie breaker elimination round
Blind Folded Tie Breaker Elimination
- Person B eating the donut will be blindfolded. Person A has to navigate the donut to their teammates mouth
- Any dropped donut is allowed to be consumed. If not it doesn’t count towards total. Person A must replenish with a new donut
- Each team will have 3 minutes to win
- The team who has consumed the most wins

Join Us for the 2022 Inaugural
Donut Fest
Come Celebrate All Things Donut!
There will be Donut Shop and Donut Truck representatives from all over the greater Seattle area, coming together to share their love of the beautiful creation we call the donut.
Donuts come in many forms, shapes, and sizes.
Come with your whole family and discover some of the newest, and oldest forms of the donut artistry.